Hebrews 1-2 | Drifting
It is not only easy, it is natural to drift. If you've ever been in a boat of any kind in the water (large or small) you are aware of the unceasing movement that occurs. Without exception, even on a calm day, the flow of the water current pulls you from your original spot. SPIRITUAL DRIFTING The writer of Hebrews uses this picture to remind of us of our tendency to drift away from what matters and lasts. "For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it." ( Hebrews 2:1 ) STRONG CURRENTS You would think that the spiritual life would be immovable. Truth is unchangeable, but the human soul is not. "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it," wrote Robert Robinson at the age of 22 in 1757. Strong winds push us. The world and its marketing, our flesh and its weakness, and the devil who whispers to us incessantly, all push us downstream. We can wake up many miles from Christ and His truth. PAYING ATTENTION The remedy ...