Revelation 20-22 | Our New Home
One day soon, this world will be burned with fire and completely wiped clean. In its place, there will come down a "new heaven and a new earth," Revelation 21-22 tells us. This means the current earth will be redeemed. Eden will be restored. A new earth and new heavens will come from God for us! It is the new home for every believer of all the ages. Its centerpiece is "the new Jerusalem," and it is stunning. Let the Apostle John give you a little virtual tour around your new home! A heavenly 360! IT'S BUILDER AND ARCHITECT: God Himself. It is "coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God" (vs. 10) ITS BRILLIANCE: "Her brilliance is like a very costly stone, like crystal-clear jasper." (vs. 11) ITS WALLS: are 1500 feet square (half the distance across the United States), 1500 feet high, and 72 yards deep! (vs. 16) ITS MATERIALS: "The wall is jasper; and the city is pure gold, like clear glass. The foundation stone...