All devotions are written by our Founding Pastor Bill Elliff. More blogs and books from Bill at

Exodus 26-27 | God's Attention To Detail

Many people live with the idea that there is no God. Others think God exists, but He is distant and unconcerned. Some believe He is concerned about our lives, but only regarding the bigger issues.

When God led His people from Egypt back to the Promised Land, He told Moses to build a movable tabernacle. This would be the visible place where God would meet with His people. It was to be overseen by a series of appointed priests who were given very specific directions for every day.
The building of this temple was precise. We have recorded for us in the Scripture the immaculate details of every single piece of the temple, even down to the furnishings, the types of materials to be used, and what each element is designed to do.
The tabernacle was designed to be an interim measure until the temple was built during the reign of Solomon. But this tabernacle (and the coming temple) was a picture in every detail. The temple represented the place where man and God could connect. Where man’s sins could be dealt with. It declared the basis upon which a man or woman can come into the presence of God; into the Holy of Holies.
And the climax of the temple was the place that contained the ark of the covenant. On top of this ark was a mercy seat, indicating that men could approach God only when atonement was made for their sins through a sacrifice and where God would extend His mercy to forgive those who would come.
All of this pointed to Christ. One coming day He would be the sacrificial Lamb that would pay for our sins. Each piece of the tabernacle pictured something important about this arrangement. This is why it is so detailed.

There is no reason for this detail and this story except for Christ and you. You must come to God through faith in the Lamb that was slain for you, just as the Israelites did in their day. We are saved through faith in Christ. They were saved by looking forward to Christ; we are saved by looking backward to Christ.
If you were to study it carefully, you would discover that God is minute in every detail regarding the building of this tabernacle indicating that He is detailed regarding every part of your life.
Does God care about you? Is He interested and prepared for every moment, every piece of your life?
Most assuredly, and the whole Bible speaks to this concern. God cares about You and has plans for the smallest detail of your life.
Father, thank You for being The-One-Who-Knows-Fully-and-Cares. Thank You that You have a plan for my life, down to the smallest detail. Help me trust You today and follow the promptings of Your Spirit and the illumination that comes from Your Word. Thank You that I can look to You regarding the smallest issues of my life.

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