Joshua 23-24 | Choosing Our Gods In This Crisis
There is a phenomenon happening right now during the Coronavirus crisis that we must not miss. God is systematically stripping every god, every idol we worship, and He’s doing it all across the world. Taken away from us are our idols of sports, entertainment, health, wealth, position, and power. One-by-one we find that the things we looked to for life and meaning are suddenly gone, stripped away by a marauding army of germs that we cannot even see. This microscopic horde is no respecter of persons. The wealthiest or the poorest are not immune. Senators in the halls of government can fall as can the check-out lady at the nearest grocery store. Money can’t buy a deliverance, nor can position or human power. We have always been powerless, but this moment is reminding us of our frailty in no uncertain terms. THE GODS WE WORSHIP It has always been our great dilemma. From the beginning of time right up to this hour we have wrestled between which gods we will serve. We hav...