All devotions are written by our Founding Pastor Bill Elliff. More blogs and books from Bill at

Deuteronomy 32-34 | Our Safest Place

The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deuteronomy 33:27)
All of us feel insecure at times. The confusion in our souls, the darkness of the world, the press of problems and difficulties can overwhelm us. We become fearful and stressed.
But for those who have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, there is no need for anxiety; no cause for fear. God Himself is our refuge.
He is the “eternal” God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There is no anxiety in heaven. No cause for fear. For our God is always victorious over His enemies and always takes care of His children.  There is no need to think that He will care for us in one season and not the next. His character and care are unchanging.
The Bible reminds us continually that He is a “place.” He is our refuge and "the righteous run into Him and are safe." Like a child fleeing into His parent’s bed in the midst of a storm, we are at peace there. What could be more secure than the Eternal God?
His arms are not weak and they do not fail. They are “ever-lasting!” Our arms may grow weary with a task, but God can hold every person in the world who will trust Him and not weaken in the slightest. His arms are beneath His children—carrying, cradling, and holding us secure. There is no need for fear when we are there.
O Lord, you are my dwelling place,
My rock of refuge strong.
I run into Your blessed strength;
I'm home where I belong.
And underneath where I am weak,
You lock Your faithful arms;
And ever hold me with Your might
and keep me safe from harm.

What a promise, Lord! Thank You that you are eternally present. That there is no moment when I cannot run to You. And, as I trust You, You place Your arms around me and beneath me. Forgive me for forgetting this, O Lord. Open my eyes to Your everlasting faithfulness and my everlasting security in You!

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