Malachi 2 | Blessing and Cursings
“And now this commandment is for you, O priests. If you do not listen, and if you do not take it to heart to give honor to My name,” says the Lord of hosts, “then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings; and indeed, I have cursed them already, because you are not taking it to heart. (Malachi 2:1-2)
God is the creator of every blessing we have ever known. The beauty of a sunrise, the glory of a new child are both from God. Everything your eye can see that is a blessing to you is from the One who loves you and made you.
But there is another side to God. God can send great judgment when needed. God’s judgment can be compared to God’s use of pain in the human body. When pain comes, it alerts us to something that needs to be adjusted … a change to be made.
God has a plan for our lives and that plan is “good, acceptable, and perfect” (Romans 12:2). When we cooperate in faith with God, our lives find order and beauty and life as it was designed to be. But, if we rebel against God it not only harms us but also those around us.
… are designed to alert us to areas where we are walking away from Him. If heeded, a turn occurs, and blessings come. But if we resist, the curse or judgment continues.
Is there any area where God is convicting you right now? Call you to turn? To repent? To adjust? Why wait? Heed His judgment right now and return to the blessings He has designed for you.
Father, thank You for Your manifold blessings to us. But thank You also for Your judgments; for not letting us continue in our sin and rebellion. Help us to be sensitive to Your slightest tough and to turn quickly to Your reproof.
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