Malachi 3 | Missing One Of God's Greatest Blessings
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. (Malachi 3:10)
From the beginning of the Bible to the end there is a non-negotiable practice that is commanded and illustrated throughout. We are to bring the first fruits of all we receive as an offering to God. This amount is the “tithe” which is a word that simply means 10% of all we receive. Very simple. Very clear. Very, very important.
This is so simple that even a child can give. With everything that you receive, you are to take the amount, move the decibel over to indicate 10%, and give it first to His church (His “storehouse”). Even Jesus speaks of the tithe as an understood principle in our lives. Jesus, in Matthew 23:23, spoke of this giving as a non-negotiable practice in our lives and went on to describe the motive that should drive our giving.
There are multiple reasons for this. This amount provides for the needs of the Lord’s house and work. But most importantly, it was to be a constant, daily reminder that slays our selfishness. It is to be the daily discipline that reminds us that everything we have is a gift from God. It all comes from Him.
… about this practice are many and are thrilling. Here in Malachi God indicates what He will do if we bring the whole tithe (not a part, but the whole 10%) to Him.
- The needs of God’s work will be met.
- He will open the windows of heaven above the giver
- He will pour out an overflowing blessing
- He will rebuke the devourer who has been destroying our work
- Others will call us blessed for we will become a “delightful land”
You should embrace this practice early and teach those that follow you to do the same. First-fruits giving creates a humble, generous heart and brings great glory to our Constant Provider.
Father, thank You that You have important plans with the possessions You give us in this life. Help us, by use of the tithe, to remember and acknowledge Your ownership and use us to advance Your kingdom’s work here.
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