Nehemiah 12 | The Necessity of Big Moments
Then I had the leaders of Judah come up on top of the wall, and I appointed two great choirs (Neh 12:31)
I have noticed something fascinating and helpful lately. We have been preaching through the life of David and last week we came to his final act as King in 1 Chronicles 28-29.
At this moment, David called all the people together. He cast vision for the building of the temple (which his son, Solomon was to build), and then he, then the leaders, then the people gave a great offering. It was a huge, corporate vision-casting and course-directing moment.
Nehemiah does the same, recorded in Nehemiah 8-12. As they finish rebuilding the temple and restoring the wall, Nehemiah appoints choirs who stand on top of the wall on either side, and there is a great celebration.
... on that day they offered great sacrifices and rejoiced because God had given them great that the joy of Jerusalem was heard from afar. (Neh 12:43).
In addition to this, Nehemiah led the people to begin tithing again (bringing the firstfruits, 10% of all they had to the Lord, which is a principle found in both Old Testament and New Testament—the tithe belongs to the Lord). And he cleaned the temple and brought the people back to the Lord.
Why are such moments important for us now, as God’s New Covenant people? Big moments …
- re-center us as the family of God,
- call us up to greater things,
- remind us of God’s mission,
- rekindle our passion to be set apart for the tasks He’s assigned,
- help us lay aside those things that are sideways energy, that is draining spiritual momentum as a people,
- are a picture of the celebration of heaven,
- make a loud statement to a watching world,
- give us confidence in what we’re doing together, led by God, for His glory,
- and take us into God’s next plans TOGETHER!
Such big, God-led moments should be a regular and systematic experience in our lives and churches. When the leaders of a church or a spiritual movement call for us to be together, we should join in with all our hearts. For such moments have great purposes in God’s economy.
Father, thank You that heaven is filled with glorious moments. And thank You that You have provided moments to celebrate, to be filled with Divine purpose and direction for the days ahead. Give us great moment, dear Lord, that we may worship You and follow You better!
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