Nehemiah 13 | No One Is Immune
“Did not Solomon king of Israel sin regarding these things? Yet among the many nations there was no king like him, and he was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel; nevertheless, the foreign women caused even him to sin.” (Nehemiah 13:26)
Most people think they’re immune. That it won’t affect them. Most believe that they can compromise with sin and not be affected.
But no one is above the subtle effects of sin.
Nehemiah, in Chapter 13, is reprimanding the Israelite people because they have made multiple compromises. One of which was marrying women who worshipped false gods. God knew that this would pull them away from the most important place, which is worshiping the one true God alone.
As an illustration, he cites Solomon, the wisest man on the earth in his day. And yet, Solomon disobeyed God in one thing as he married foreign women who turned his heart away.
This story is for us. If we begin to make compromises with the world and run counter to God’s truth, there are consequences. Always. Where does God speak to you this morning? It’s not to be ignored or excused. Deal with any disobedience fully and come back to the safest, most important place—the center of God’s will.
Lord, keep me from hidden sins; small compromises; the little foxes that spoil the vines. Help me to follow You fully knowing that You intend all of this for my good.
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