Luke 14 | Total Surrender
What does it take to really follow Christ? We know we are saved, not by our good works, but by trusting Christ (instead of ourselves and what we can do) for our salvation. But there also must be a willingness to let Him be in charge. To allow Him to be our Lord and Master.
Large crowds were following Christ one day. Who wouldn't follow someone who was healing the sick and feeding thousands?
But in Luke 14:25-35 we see Jesus turning and drawing a line in the dirt regarding what real discipleship is all about. It means total surrender of our life to Him. Just to be clear, He identifies the three primary areas where we must surrender our rights to Him.
If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:26)
Jesus was not telling his followers they must hate anyone, but that the relationship to Him was to take precedence over every other relationship.
We must die to a man-fearing, man-pleasing spirit which, if not crucified will cause us to continually choose other’s opinions and directions over God's.
Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14;27)
When Jesus said this, no images of church steeples or cross necklaces flooded Peter's mind, but only a grim picture of death on a Roman cross. Peter and the other disciples were confronted now with the ultimate question: Am I willing to give the rights to my physical body to Christ? My eyes, ears, hands, feet? Will I follow Him fully? Would I be ready to pay any physical cost to obey Him?
Will I get up early, stay up late, go to the mission field, suffer discomfort or pain if, in so doing, it will bring glory to God?
So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions. (Luke 14:33)
Our possessions are serious idols. We cannot serve God and mammon. If we want to fully follow Christ, we must give Him the right to do whatever He desires with our possessions (which He gave us in the first place!) An unwillingness to surrender our possessions means we have another Lord beside Christ.
Christ longs for you to be in the greatest posture to follow Him. He knows that, for you and for His kingdom, a position of total surrender will bring great effectiveness but also the greatest joy. We were made to worship and serve our Creator and our souls are restless until we do.
Father, show me what total surrender means for my life. Help me understand that it is my greatest joy to be there and it will bring You the greatest glory. I give my relationships, my body, my possessions all to You to use as You will. Give me the grace to not pull back from total surrender. And thank You for the privilege of knowing and serving You for all eternity!
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