All devotions are written by our Founding Pastor Bill Elliff. More blogs and books from Bill at

Mark 10 | The Impossible Possibilities With God

"With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." (Mark 10:27)
The great issues of our lives often center around things we cannot seem to accomplish. We long for healing, but we cannot orchestrate that on our own. We need provision, but there is only so much we can do.
We pray for change in ourselves and others in multiple areas, but we discover continual defeat and the limits of our ability to affect others. We even look at our nation and cry out for a national revival and spiritual awakening that would bring a significant course correction.
All around us are impossibilities.
But there are simply no limits with God. There is literally nothing we could ask, think, or even imagine that is beyond His capabilities. This is why God-initiated prayer is so important. Prayer takes us beyond our borders, for through prayer, God is brought into the equation and suddenly nothing is impossible. Healing? Provision? Needs met? The salvation of others? Overcoming habitual sin? Return of a prodigal child? National revival and awakening? Nothing is out of His reach.
God's will may not allow all the things we can dream up, for our thinking is limited by time and space and affecting by sin. Our will is not always the best. Noting this, God graciously answers that which is according to His will. And His will is always "good, acceptable, and perfect" (Romans 12:2).
... was the title of J.B. Phillips's book. Meditate on this verse above from the lips of Jesus Himself. Nothing is impossible with God! What do you need to believe Him for right now?
Father, thank You for your omnipotence. You are all-powerful. May we see this, believe this, and come to You with such faith. Help us pray bigger prayers so the world might see how powerful and good You are.

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