All devotions are written by our Founding Pastor Bill Elliff. More blogs and books from Bill at

Luke 24 | The 8 Most Important Words In History

Some words are spoken or written but are utterly unnecessary. Others are merely to entertain. But there are some words upon which history hinges. Words that change the world. Words that articulate facts. To believe them is to be established and real. To ignore them can be deadly.
There are many words and phrases that are essential to real faith. “In the beginning, God created the world” is vital to know, understand, and believe. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” announced the entrance of Christ. But perhaps no eight words are more important than these:
“He is not here, but He has risen.” (Luke 24:6)
Upon this reality rests of all of Christianity. If Christ, who prophesied of His death, burial, and resurrection, had not accomplished all three, He would have been a pathological liar, or a raving lunatic, as C.S. Lewis says.
No one has ever been raised from the dead, never to die again, except Christ. His resurrection brought multiple, eternity-shaping effects. Here are eight realities that spring from these eight, glorious words!
The resurrection of Christ …
  1. Authenticated Him as the Son of God and only Messiah and verified every word He spoke.
  2. Means we now deal with a LIVING Christ, not a dead teacher (like every other supposed religious leader that people follow).
  3. Makes it possible for Him to live IN each true follower, as He promised … giving us life and making us someone who will never die because we have the eternal life of Christ in us!
  4. Is a foretaste of the believer’s real, bodily resurrection.
  5. Established the foundation for the Church, based on the reality of Christ’s words and works, and the power of a resurrected Christ to save people from their sins.
  6. Gives us the message of life and hope that every human needs.
  7. Affects every person in human history, whether they realize it or not, for they will all stand before this living Lord and give account.
  8. Makes our heart sing, our burdens light, for He is with those who believe—literally, personally, and continually!
Father, thank You for sending Your Son to live a sinless life, die a sacrificial life, and rise from the dead, never to die again! Thank You for what His resurrection means to humanity. Thank You for what it means to me. May the rest of my life be spent in humble gratitude and faithful following of our living Lord!

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