Acts 26-27 | The Leader In The Storm
How do you do in a time of difficulty? Do you crater or rise to the occasion? Do you lead or wait for someone else?
The Apostle Paul was on a boat of 276 people in the midst of a horrific sea storm. It was so bad that the crew had given up all hope of being saved.
Paul was the one man on the boat that saw things differently. He was a prisoner, of all things. But the determining difference about this man was that he was connected to the God who oversees storms and the lives and fortunes of men.
An "angel of the Lord" appeared to Paul and told him that God had a mission for him to stand before Caesar and give a witness. And that not one person would perish but that they would all come safely to land.
The storm was so intense, that no LOGICAL man who looked at the physical evidence would believe this. Suddenly, the prisoner became the leader. "Keep up your courage, men, for I believe God that it will turn out exactly as I have been told," he said.
And then he proceeded to eat a meal and told them to join him. "Not a hair from the head of any of your heads will perish," he prophesied, and then calmly began to give thanks in the presence of them all and started to eat. (Acts 27:34-36)
All of them were encouraged and began to eat also. This prisoner, announcing an absolutely bizarre possibility in confidence, became the leader. Why?
Faith gives you courage. It grants you the authority to pronounce things that others think are foolish and to do it with such boldness that it ignites faith in others.
It is important to note, though, that Paul's faith was not presumptuous. It was entirely based on a word given to him by God, for "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
Are you leading? In the midst of the incredible swirl around us, that's tossing waves and bending the mast of the ship, are you hearing from God as to the true situation? Are you then, in the presence of all, announcing God's intentions? If not, why not? There could be only a few reasons. Perhaps you are swayed by the wind yourself in fear. Or you are not in a position to hear the word of God. Or you are simply not choosing to believe what God is saying.
If you want to lead others to Him (and that should be our only real goal in life) you must lead in faith.
By the way … one final verse: "And so it happened that they all were brought safely to land." (vs. 44)
Father, please give us the wisdom to hear you in the storm and the courage to speak Your words to those who are with us. Help us stand in faith so others will see who You are.
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