Colossians 1-2 | Who's In Charge?
There are thousands of breathtaking statements in the Bible. These are definitive statements which, if dealt with properly, should be the end of the discussion. These statements define what really IS, whether we agree or not. And, they demand a response. We can ignore them if we choose, but there are sad and destructive consequences if we try to live counter to what is true. It simply won't work right.
One of the greatest such passages is Colossians 1:13-20. It is perhaps the highest statement in Scripture about Christ's fullness and authority.
Take one statement in this magnificent passage: "He is also head of the body, the church" (Colossians 1:18a). Pause and meditate on the implications of this simple truth.
As Christ is the head, it means ...
- Everything flows from Christ in the church.
- He is the "MIND" of the church and should be treated so.
- No one in the church has the ability to lead, except under HIS leadership and authority.
- Man's ideas of the church are meaningless unless they are coming from the Head.
- If we are not rightly related to the Head and continually engaged with Him (through prayer and the Word), then we have no hope of the church heading the right way, making the right decisions, living properly.
- This demands of church leaders (and members) that we constantly listen to the Head's leadership and direction.
- As the Head of the Body, He has everything to gain by leading well, by ordering those things that are going to bring health and life to His body. Why would He direct the body in ways that would destroy itself? Therefore we must trust that His directions are trustworthy and good at all times, and we should instantly obey with glad submission.
- Every member of the body, the church, is connected to Him, not just one. Therefore, all of us can hear God.
- There should be perfect unity in the church IF each member is connected to the same head. This does not mean that we are all alike, but that each diverse part of the body—rightly connected to God—will play their part with other parts of the body in perfect harmony. (C.S. Lewis said that if every key on a piano is tuned to one tuning fork, there will be perfect harmony and perfect unity).
- One day we will be appalled at all the ways we have ignored His leadership.
- If the Head is leading the body, and good occurs, then the members should not take credit for what has happened, but instead, deflect all the glory to the part of the body which is singularly responsible.
- ... and on and on and on. The implications for us are eternal!
One response comes to mind: Hallelujah for the Head! Praise God that He has so designed His body that is not mindless or leaderless, and at the head is One who is perfect in all ways and all directions.
And, Lord, please give us the wisdom to draw near to You, listening constantly with You and moving only at Your initiation.
Father, thank You that we are not in charge! You reign sovereignly in all Your perfection. Give us the humility and wisdom to look to You, defer to You, and follow You completely.
Copyright © 2020 Bill Elliff. All Rights Reserved.