
Showing posts from May, 2022
All devotions are written by our Founding Pastor Bill Elliff. More blogs and books from Bill at

Jonah 3-4 | Do You Have Good Reason To Be Angry?

Anger can be a terribly destructive emotion. Everyone has been on the blunt end of someone else's displeasure. And some have given more anger than they've received. THE ROOT Jonah is one of the most revealing stories in the Bible about this deadly emotion. Jonah became angry because he was sent on a mission he did not want, and God saved people he did not like. After God delivered 120,000 people in Ninevah, Jonah's response was telling. But it greatly displeased Jonah, and he became angry. (Jonah 4:1) His anger was completely unjustified and selfishly motivated. He sat down and wanted to die out of his frustration. God said to him, "Do you have good reason to be angry?" (vs. 4) That's a great question and one we should ask every time we find ourselves boiling with hurt. Does selfishness drive our resentment? A temporary loss of our supposed "rights?" What we wanted? Are we upset because God is blessing someone we don't like? Giving others the att...

Jonah 1-2 | Running From God

"But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord." ( Jonah 1:3 ) We've all done it. Some run harder and farther and longer than others, but every believer at some point in their life has taken an alternate path than what they knew God was instructing. We may not call it "running away" but that is what it is.   And it's the most foolish exercise known to man. As the Psalmist said, "Where can I go from Thy Spirit?" ( Psalm 139 ). God knows everything, made everything and is everywhere. He has all power to do whatever He desires. Running is futile. What is most tragic is that we find ourselves running from the best possible path and the One who loves us most perfectly. The way that would bring life to us and others. In our foolish shortsightedness, we think that we know better than God. But we are always wrong. Always. GOD'S RELENTLESS PURSUIT Thankfully, for His children, God never lets go. His pursuit for His children is unen...

2 Kings 5-6:23 | Seeing

Most people walk through life in spiritual blindness. Unaware or unwilling, they fail to connect to the One who made them. Confusion reigns and life makes no sense when we are not seeing through the eyes of the One who made us.  In one of the most beautiful stories in history, the Arameans came with a massive army to surround and take one man: the prophet Elisha. He sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:14-17) Ge...

2 Kings 2 | Wanting MORE

"I don't know how much of God you have, but I know this: you have all you want," Adrian Rogers once said. One of the ways of God is to give the greatest measure of blessing and power to those who are hungry. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6).  Technically, if you are a believer who has the Spirit residing in them, you have all of Christ. He lives in you! But Christ can be in you, and yet you are not allowing Him to fill and flow through you to others. Like an engine in a car, you may have power under the hood but never choose to turn the key. How much of His Spirit's life and power do you want to flow through you to others? TWO POWERFUL PROPHETS Elijah was the great prophet of Israel, but his time was over. His young disciple, Elisha, followed him relentlessly. As Elijah was ready to be taken home, Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit to rest on him.  Elijah too...

1 Kings 21-22 | How The World Sees True Prophets

We love our own way. Because of this self-affinity and pride, we have an aversion to those who point in a different direction, particularly if it becomes personal. Our nation right now has a very sharp division. Without question, those who take a Biblical worldview can expect to be hated and even persecuted for their beliefs. A TRUE SPOKESMAN FOR GOD Ahab was the wicked King of Israel. We see his true colors when he wanted to buy a field but the owner would not sell. He and his wife, Jezebel, had him murdered and stole his field. It was a classic case of a wicked king and a wicked queen abusing their power. They believed they were above the law and could take whatever they wanted. When he and the King of Judah wanted to go to war against their mutual enemy, they asked for the prophets. The false prophets who came uniformly prophesied success for Ahab. Then this exchange occurred between the two kings. But Jehoshaphat said, “Is there not yet a prophet of the Lord here that we may inquir...

1 Kings 18-19 | Spiritual Depression

SPIRITUAL DEPRESSION It's a dark cave. Spiritual depression affects almost everyone at times, and we often have no idea how to find a way back into the light. Without question, one of the significant passages in the Bible that helps us understand this issue is the story of one of God's great prophets in 1 Kings 19. Following one of the most dynamic and powerful spiritual showdowns in history (Elijah facing and defeating the 450 prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel), the wicked queen, Jezebel, put a contract on Elijah's head. Fear gripped his soul, and he ran for his life. He spent the next 40+ days in a spiritual and emotional funk.  I have experienced this many times (some more intense than others) after significant seasons of ministry. You are highly vulnerable to the enemy's attack when your physical, emotional, and spiritual tank is low. Even though you may have experienced great spiritual victories, the slightest provocation can send you into an emotional tailspin. Elija...