All devotions are written by our Founding Pastor Bill Elliff. More blogs and books from Bill at

Jonah 1-2 | Running From God

"But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord." (Jonah 1:3)

We've all done it. Some run harder and farther and longer than others, but every believer at some point in their life has taken an alternate path than what they knew God was instructing. We may not call it "running away" but that is what it is.


And it's the most foolish exercise known to man. As the Psalmist said, "Where can I go from Thy Spirit?" (Psalm 139). God knows everything, made everything and is everywhere. He has all power to do whatever He desires. Running is futile.

What is most tragic is that we find ourselves running from the best possible path and the One who loves us most perfectly. The way that would bring life to us and others. In our foolish shortsightedness, we think that we know better than God. But we are always wrong. Always.


Thankfully, for His children, God never lets go. His pursuit for His children is unending. There are times when He knows He must apply the kind of pressure that will bring us to desperation … and that is exactly what happened with Jonah.

"The Lord hurled a great wind on the sea..." (Jonah 1:4)

Jonah's chosen means of escape was a cruise liner. He decided to go on a vacation as far away from God's call on his life as possible. But, of course, God was there. And he knew this problem could be solved by a simple breath from His mouth. He-Who-Commands-the-Wind-and-Waves simply hurled a wind. 


But it was so significant that something had to be done. The men of the ship had enough sense to know that some god somewhere was responsible for this and it finally came down to Jonah's God. God's judgment had worked, and Jonah finally came to honesty about his rebellion and he told them to throw him into the sea. 

I'm sure Jonah thought this would be the last sentence of his life. But God is relentless. He had a whole city to save that needed a prophet.

"And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah." (Jonah 1:17)

Just like that. He-Who-Commands-the-Fish-of-the-Sea simply sent a massive creature to swallow his running man up, but also commanded His fish-receptacle not to harm the prophet. He needed him alive. And that's exactly what happened.

"Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the stomach of the fish..." (Jonah 2:1)

And repented.

"I will sacrifice to You...that which I have vowed I will pay." (Jonah 2:9)

The man ran.

The Lord hurled a wind.

The Lord appointed a fish.

Then Jonah prayed.

Then Jonah repented.

Then the Lord commanded the fish and it vomited up Jonah.

Then Jonah proclaimed.

Then Nineveh believed.

Then God relented of His judgment.

This unusual judgment of God was effective and accomplished its needed result. 

Just think of the time that could have been saved if Jonah had simply surrendered to God's direction when it was first given.

Father, thank You for Your love for people and Your desire to use us to reach them. Forgive us for our selfishness; our lack of love; our running from Your will for our service. Let us humbly, fully follow You the first time You call.

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