Malachi 3 | Returning To God
“Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD of hosts.” (Malachi 3:7b)
It’s our consistent problem. We are continually distracted. Those of us who know Christ and have a personal relationship with Him struggle with being drawn away. And when we walk away from Christ, we lose the most essential thing in our lives.
Distractions are everywhere. To be distracted means to be “drawn away.” Think of what pulls you away from what Paul called “the simplicity and purity of devotion to Jesus Christ.” We can be distracted by ...
- the enticements of sin
- busyness—even of good things, even religious activity
- work
- the pursuit of power, authority, fame, recognition
- boredom
- entertainment
- sports
- the world’s philosophies and ideas
- things that simply don’t matter
- the weakness of our flesh
- politics
- social media
- the love of ease and comfort
- money and possessions
- people and relationships
You can add to that list, but the results are always the same. We lose intimacy with Christ. We quit pursuing Him. We no longer hear God and are left to our weaknesses. And when we do, we miss everything that matters and lasts.
God knows our frame and understands our weakness. And that’s why He offers to His children incredible mercy. “Return to Me, and I will return to You,” He says. James would repeat this in the New Testament as “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to You” (James 4:8). The turning always involves several things:
- a recognition of my distraction
- a willingness to turn “from” my distractions and sin
- a humility that turns back to God and pursues Him relentlessly
- a return to prayer and His Word and His people (the church), which is our source of communion with Him
Have you become distracted? Have you “lost your first love,” as Jesus says to the Ephesian Christians in Revelation 2? If so, are you ready to come back to Him? Sit down and list what has distracted you, repent, and return to Him. He’s waiting.
Father, I am prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Please help me see my patterns of distractions. Let me see them before they pull me away. And give me the wisdom and grace to return to You. Thank You that you are willing to draw near to me! It is my highest privilege and greatest joy!
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