2 Corinthians 1-2 | "So That"
"...who comforts us in all our affliction SO THAT we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." 2 Cor 1:4
"...we had the sentence of death within ourselves SO THAT we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead; who delivered us from so great a peril of death, and will deliver us, He on whom we have set our hope." 2 Cor: 1:9-10
"So that" indicates cause and effect and purpose. Something happened that created a result in order that something else could happen.
Paul in two words puts all of our problems, pressure, and afflictions in perspective. Here is the progression.
This is what the word means and is what we experience. We all have pressure and it weighs us down. The things you lay in bed and think about at night are your crushing pressures. The things that put a weight on your soul. That tempt you to worry and fear. That you can't seem to shake. These are the "afflictions" of which Paul speaks. Sometimes they are huge, cataclysmic things--often a series of pirhannas that bite away at your life and peace. And, we all have them.
When crushing pressure comes, if we are believers we are pushed to...
The pressure became so great in Paul that there was nowhere else to turn. He "despared even of life" and it came SO THAT "we would not trust in ourselves, but in God."
We often will not trust until we come to this point. At the end of ourselves, we turn in absolute dependency and expectancy to Christ.
And when we look to Him we find...
This is not the word as we know it. We think of a recliner. But the word is paraklesis and it means to come alongside and lift the load. When we are under the weight of issues, God comes alongside and lifts the load in supernatural wys.
It is always sufficient, by the way. "For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance so also our comfort is abundant through Christ." vs. 5
And this sufficient, wonderful pressure leads us to...
...with the "comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." (vs. 4)
We are now equipped to help people in ways we were not equipped before. We have known the pressure and known the help of God. Now we can relate to those who are under the same pressure and be the instruments of the Spirit that bring them the same help.
This is why pressure is not a waste. What the world, flesh, and devil throw at you cannot harm you but strengthens you and equips you if you will not trust in yourself.
In fact, those very pressures are the gateway to your greatest ministry. And ministry to God and others is what the remaining years of your life are all about.
Father, thank You that you are the “Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.” It is Your nature to have mercy on us in our difficulties and to come alongside and help us. No one can help us like You, and You are always ready to lift us when we cry to You. Help us to understand that our suffering and Your comfort is not without purpose and give us grace to turn and come alongside those around us who need Your comfort.
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